My Experience With Modafinil & How it Made me Wealthy


  1. My Personal Experience With Modafinil & How it Made me Wealthy
  2. Why I Started Taking Modafinil
  3. How I Felt When I First Took It
  4. How I Take It Nowadays
  5. Peak Productivity Example
  6. Side Effects
  7. Lifestyle Adjustments
  8. Long-Term Observations
  9. Ethical and Practical Considerations
  10. Final Advice

My Personal Experience With Modafinil & How it Made me Wealthy

Modafinil definitely is the shieeeeeeet, let me clarify that immediately. 

It is extremely helpful to win at life and it will very likely make your life better once you know how to deal with the side effects and get it legally (you don’t want scam or bad products or trouble with the law).

Why I Started Taking Modafinil

I started taking Modafinil between 2012-2015, I am not exactly sure when I started taking it but I remember where I first read about it, on a blog called “”, which does not exist anymore.

The blog was about self-improvement for men and it had an article “How I became Superhuman for 30 days” or something like that.

He wrote how he got extreme drive, could work long hours, elevated his fatigue and how it helped him to get in great shape.

And at the end he said after those 30 days he had to quit it for some reason which I don’t remember, but he was quite sad about it.

He felt like his potential was buried again.

My interest in Modafinil peaked, it helps with fatigue & motivation? SIGN ME UP! So I tried to find out how to get it legally, which took a while, but eventually I got it because I was depressed and my sleep suffered and my work times were pretty bad (I work 24//7, this is how I built my 200K/Year).

I got the Modafinil receipt online and ordered it online in Germany, if there is a will, there is a way, make sure you do it legally, Modafinil has strong side-effects, and a doctors consultation and clean modafinil are necessary, health and legally speaking.

(You can get Modafinil without receipt for $5 for 30 tabs from a pharmacy in Egypt, I feel robbed in the 1st world on a daily basis, the prices you are charged for simple products should be criminal, but thats another topic).

How I Felt When I First Took it

The first time I took it I don’t remember anymore, but for sure I took too much, should have taken 50mg maximum, my heart was beating way too fast and that increased my anxiety, but I was productive and motivated like never before.

I also don’t remember especially what I did, but I remember how I went with high blood pressure to the hospital in a panic, I accidentally took 400mg of Modafinil, why I took so much I also don’t remember, but nowadays I never take Modafinil without drinking 500ml of water before and when I start taking Modafinil again I always start with 50mg.

I was completely hooked by the Modafinil, despite the anxiety and higher blood pressure, I never enjoyed work so much, fatigue disappeared and my mood was a lot better.

How I take it Nowadays

I am setting an alarm at 04:00, drink 500ml of water, take 50-100mg of Modafinil and go back to sleep.

Will definitely get out of bed after 30 minutes.

The combination of drinking so much water and Modafinil makes it easy to get out of bed, which is another nice benefit.

Because I take it so early in the morning, I have an easier time going to sleep in the evening.

Drinking a lot of water is not only necessary to deal with the dry skin that Modafinil causes, but to also flush some Modafinil out of your system.

Once I reach a stage where I need a whole tab (200mg) to feel the effects (usually happens after a month of taking it daily) I will start reducing it down again until I take no modafinil for 1-2 weeks.

Then I usually go back to normal, fatigue, slight depression and lower drive, which is not to be confused with withdrawal, but rather me going back to normal.

Again, this is all my experience, not medical advice.

An Example of Peak Productivity

An example would be working 2 days straight on a new niche website I created from scratch and then writing a complete article + making a video for it + going to gym+ cleaning everything up and managing my other businesses if necessary.

Absolute peak productivity that I consider necessary nowadays.

In the age of A.I. and peak inflation you simply have to work harder, adapt faster, work faster, be more creative and cope better, Modafinil helps with all of that.

Having a to do list before you take Modafinil is by the way very important, you don’t want to take Modafinil and then be stuck scrolling Youtube or cleaning the kitchen for hours.

Modafinil will force you into focus, this is no joke, especially when you are just starting and you don’t have experience with Modafinil yet, but there are also some people who don’t respond to Modafinil at all.

Modafinil is also perfect for learning anything and will make it easier, if you go to the gym it will definitely help you focus on your workout too.

The positive effects of Modafinil are many!

Side Effects

The topic nobody who loves Modafinil wants to talk about but its real.

Here is a list of side-effects I personally experienced:
• Headache
• Stomachache
• Rashes
• Skin-cracks
• Heart palpitations
• Anxiety
• Insomnia

And all those can be lowered and prevented by taking a lower dose of Modafinil at 04:00 in the morning and simply drinking a lot of water and eating fatty foods.

That also does not mean you will not feel any side-effects, you most definitely will to some extent, however, I am rather anxious for a bit with some dry skin and slightly elevated blood pressure than depressed & fatigued.

Thats why the side-effects are acceptable to me, everything in life has a price they say.

And if 200mg aka a whole pill doesn’t work anymore (it still will but you will simply be used to the effects) then a break is the most sensible thing to do.

1-2 weeks without modafinil and then restarting it with 50mg again.

Were Some Lifestyle Adjustments Necessary?

Most definitely! Waking up at 04:00 to take the modafinil and absolutely no caffeine allowed.
Caffeine will make the effects of Modafinil stronger and definitely will dry you out a lot more.

The worst thing you can do when taking Modafinil is drinking coffee.

So no more of that.

Furthermore also needing to drink a lot of water and eating fatty meats is kinda necessary, to lower side-effects and get more of the positive effects.

Otherwise success over time has you adjust your routine as there will be more positive change.

Long Term Observations

I think I wrote about that enough in this article about the physical changes when you take it too long, but what about the mental changes, right?

Once you recognize your potential can be unleashed and you adopt a productive routine, it will become habit.

And what is character but habits over time right?

The better you do at your work, gym, learning, routine, the more confident and smart you will become, and this will remain true even when you stop taking Modafinil, but it will require more willpower.

The success, knowledge learned, and the gains from the gym and easier dieting will remain yours, for a while.

Nowadays I can work an entire day even on boring tasks.

The successful are good at enduring boredom because most people quit when things get boring over time and to master their skills.

But with Modafinil the boredom kinda disappears a bit and I can work like a madman 2 days in a row, which often results in huge projects completed quickly, or some new things learned very quickly.

Over time, Modafinil made me a better person.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

Getting Modafinil legally is not easy, you will have to try multiple doctors, try getting it online or via telemedicine, you will have to be persistent.

You have to get it legally and this is advisable so a doctor can look at you holistically and give you pure Modafinil, you don’t want to get scammed.

I got Modafinil legally in Germany, and without prescription in Egypt, where it is called “Bravamax”.

Dependency on Modafinil doesn’t really happen for me, as it makes you a better person over Time and physically yes, you will go back to your pre-modafinil state and maybe get headaches and so forth, but I don’t struggle with it (maybe you will though).

If you do not get Modafinil talking with the first doctor, keep trying, in Germany I got it by consulting a doctor online, that worked on the first try.

Depending on where you live your options might be limited, in that case I recommend moving to another country, your country does not like successful people, lol.

1st world is doomed anyway, but thats another topic.

Final Advice

Only get Modafinil legally, Modafinil has strong side-effects, you need to consult a doctor to look at your situation and health holistically, because your body/psyche might not be able to handle Modafinil, it is not for everyone.

But for the ones who can take it and know how to take it: Massive success will follow.

If you want to make the most out of Modafinil (not enough good information on Modafinil out there) and learn how to build a successful online business with it, then buy my book “TheModafinilEdge”.

Get it here: TheModafinilEdge

The Modafinil Edge

The in-depth eBook about the power of Modafinil. How to use it for peak productivity & wealth generation.